How To Train TikTok To Show You Porn (Full Guide)
TikTok has become one of the world’s most popular social media platforms solely because it’s able to show you exactly what you want to see, exactly when you want to see it.
Many people are under the false impression it’s just teens dancing or lip syncing to music. The reality is, TikTok very quickly learns what you like to see, and no two people’s feeds are going to be the same.
For gooners and other lovers of the female aesthetic, TikTok can be an incredibly powerful tool – showing you endless amounts of what basically amounts to softcore pornography. While full on sex isn’t allowed on TikTok, you can train the algorithm to show you lots of sexy girls, doing provocative things.
So, in this article, I’ll go over exactly how you can get your TikTok feed to show you endless amounts of
porn – even tailored down to your favorite kinks or fetishes!
Tip: Make An Alt Account
Just a quick tip before we begin – I highly recommend making a second TikTok account strictly for your porn feed, if you use the app regularly as well. TikTok allows you to have multiple accounts, and really this can be used as a way to quickly switch between different feeds, catered to different sets of interests.
For me personally, I have a normal TikTok feed where I use the app normally. It contains all of my non-horny interests when I need some general entertainment, when I’m out in public.
Then, I have my side account that’s used strictly for porn. On that one, I get almost nothing BUT nice asses rolling through my feed, where as on my normal TikTok, I don’t have to worry about porn popping up at all.
So, this is just something to consider! Let’s now look over how you can actually start getting TikTok to show you porn!
1. Speed Up The Process By Following Model Accounts
When you first make a new TikTok account, TikTok does not know anything about you.
This means that originally, your feed won’t be that great – they will show you a variety of popular videos on different topics, testing how you engage with them. They want to know what holds your attention, and what doesn’t – so they can start showing you more of the stuff you seem to like, and less of the stuff you don’t seem to like.
They can then compare this data with all other users, to try and infer what other things you might be interested in.
You can speed up the process by following the accounts of women (or men) who are already posting the type of content that you’re looking for.
Many Onlyfans creators use TikTok to help them grow their audience, so see if your favorite creators have one – and then follow them on there! This sends a clear message to TikTok of what you’re interested in – but for the best results, ONLY follow people that post the type of content you want to see in your feed.
2. Scroll Until You Find Your First Sexual Video
Even if you choose not to follow any accounts at this time, you will still be exposed to sexual videos before long.
Continue scrolling rather quickly until you find your first video that is sexual in nature. If it’s okay if it doesn’t exactly match your exact fetishes or interests early on. For example, even if you want your feed to be filled only with ass, you should still stop scrolling when you get a video of a girl say, showing off her breasts.
This is so TikTok can learn that you have an interest in sexual content. When the first video appears, watch it in full, and consider liking it as well. Then, continue scrolling, ignoring everything that doesn’t appear sexual in nature.
You’ll find that over time, TikTok automatically shows you more of the content you watch, and less of the content you skip over.
3. Understand How The TikTok Algorithm Works
So, to really get control over the content you see, it’s important to understand how the TikTok algorithm actually works, and how it chooses the videos that it’s going to show you.
As mentioned earlier, TikTok is constantly trying to learn what you like, what you don’t like, and then comparing that data to all other TikTok users so they can make content suggestions.
This means you can deliberately feed TikTok data to reinforce the things you enjoy, and the things you don’t want to see.
Some of the things TikTok tracks include:
What accounts you follow.
What videos you like, share, or comment on.
How long you watch each video – down to the exact millisecond.
How long you continue using the app after watching certain videos. For example, if you watch a video and leave the app immediately after, this sends a negative signal to TikTok.
Whether you use any of TikTok’s other features related to that video. For example, you can pull up a menu and tap ‘Not interested’ to directly tell TikTok you are not interested in that content. Blocking the user who posted it would also be a negative signal.
Remember, TIkTok’s goal is to keep you on the app for as long as possible. They LIKE gooners, because they spend a lot of time mindlessly scrolling – and some of the content they scroll through will be ads.
The more you use TikTok, the more ads are shown, and the more data TikTok collects to further keep you on the app longer.
It’s no wonder why it becomes so addictive!
Anyway, if you want to see porn on your TikTok feed, engage with the videos you like. Remember to actually like them. Watch them all the way through – don’t be afraid to let them play a second time if you really enjoy them. Prove to TikTok that this is the type of content that holds your interest, and they’ll show you more of it!
And yes, TikTok is so powerful that you can even train it to show you something super specific – like only women showing off their ass in pink gymnastics leotards, for example. The more you use TikTok, the better it will get!
4. Reinforce The Algorithm By Following Your Favorite Accounts
Finally, it’s important you move beyond just the feed.
If you find accounts that post a lot of content you enjoy, be sure to follow those accounts as well – as this sends very strong signals and useful data to TikTok.
Note that this doesn’t automatically mean that you’ll start seeing all of their videos in your feed. TikTok has a following feed – that only shows you videos from accounts that you’re following, but also a ‘For You’ page, that is tailored towards you from ALL of TikTok.
Following someone makes them slightly more likely to show up on your ‘For You’ page, but it will still largely consist of clips from people that you don’t follow.
Following people is useful because you have more direct control – you can always follow people focused on different kinks, or unfollow old people if you no longer wish to see their content.
So, use this tool to your advantage!
Tip: Listen To My Teen TikTok Sluts Audio While Scrolling!
I don’t normally plug my own audios within my blog posts, but if you want something to listen to while you’re scrolling, I highly recommend my audio called ”
Teen Social Media Sluts” – which was made with TikTok in mind!
It’s all about training TikTok’s algorithm to show you tight teen ass and bouncy tits – from girls who are happy to show it off and receive attention from older men.
I talk in your ear about all the naughty things I want to see you do to those girls, who are so slutty and desperate, showing off for the internet like that. It’s a really hot listen, which is probably why it’s in my top 5 most popular clips ever!
Closing Thoughts
All-in-all, TikTok can be an incredible tool for jerking off, if you train the algorithm the right way.
Avoid leaving lewd comments or sending naughty DMs to people, as this can get you banned. Instead, enjoy the practically limitless amount of content TikTok will throw at you – seriously, it never runs out, making it a great tool for gooning or jerking off to!
Finally, if you are looking for a porn-focused TikTok alternative, actually does allow nudity, if you want something more.
For more ways to enjoy porn – while becoming more knowledgeable about sex and sexual topics as well, be sure to sign up to my email newsletter!
Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful day!