Interesting facts about the global escorts industry
No matter what country a traveler goes to, he is guaranteed to meet agreeable local beauties, ready to have fun for a small fee. And whether prostitution is legal or the government is actively fighting it, call girls are not restricted. Practice shows that from time immemorial, sex services have been an actual demanded activity, and there have always been clients willing to pay putanas for their company. And now, when the algorithms of legalization of the ero-segment are gaining popularity, individuals feel so confident that they are openly looking for clients over the Internet. For example, on this site prostitutes from Mexico City, Puerto Vallarta or Acapulco publish hundreds of up-to-date profiles with candid information and erotic photos.
On the example of highly developed countries with a legal intimate industry it can be seen that the legalization of prostitutes is beneficial not only to the participants of the process, but also to the state. After all, girls and their clients receive protection and security, and the state treasury - multi-million dollar taxes. Therefore, it is important to realize that the commercial sex market is an important part of the world economy, and it is worth studying it more carefully. In this readers are ready to help the analysts of our
portal, who have collected some interesting facts about global prostitution.
Which countries are most in demand among sex tourists?
With the growing popularity of the intimate business has increased the number of travelers who visit different countries with one single purpose - to get to know the local individuals closely. And if earlier the obligatory items in their lists were Thailand and the Netherlands, now the situation has changed somewhat. For example, in 2023-2024, the top countries with in-demand sex services are:
1. Turkey. This country is known for its resorts with warm sea and well-groomed beaches, but after the legalization of prostitution, the flow of tourists here increased almost twofold. And the most interesting thing is that here travelers are met not only by attractive girls, but also by passionate macho men, as female sex tourism in Turkey is no less developed. Regulation of the industry of available sex takes place at the municipal level, so in addition to classic individuals here work full-fledged brothels and thematic intimate salons.
2. Mexico. The Latin American region has entered the world market relatively recently, but has already managed to overtake in popularity many whales of the industry. Such demand is understandable, because local call girls are not only professional and attractive, but also inexpensive. This means that on vacation here can come not only wealthy, but also budget tourists - for everyone in Mexico has its own category of entertainment. In addition, remote shooting is very developed here –
vip escorts in Tijuana, Cancun and other cities freely publish ads on sites for sex dating.
3. Brazil. Another representative of Latin America got into our top for a reason - practice shows that even in normal times local professionals are inexpensive, and during holidays and carnivals prices fall almost twice. And if you are lucky and the customer likes the chosen putana, she can make him happy for free. It is noteworthy that prostitution is still at the initial stage of legalization, so it is too early to talk about the open work of individuals, but in practice, almost every third Latin beauty is ready to translate the acquaintance with a foreigner in the horizontal plane.
Special attention of our analysts was drawn to Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE, where one type of intimate services - elite escorts - is in incredible demand. This is due to the fact that friends for the night here are more often looking for wealthy men who are interested in girls of a certain level, so in the top of popularity are professional agencies that provide girls with model1 appearance and refined manners, with whom you can appear at any social event.
In addition, Belgium, Germany, Ukraine, Czech Republic and Hungary can boast of a developed intimate industry.
Popular escort nationalities
To determine which countries are especially popular among sex tourists, our analysts studied statistical data on travelers' itineraries, as well as their reviews and recommendations. But to find out which nationalities are the most “rich” in escorts, it is necessary to work with quite different statistics - directly with the girls themselves in different countries of the world. As it turned out, the indicators in these two categories are different, and the countries with the top intimate resorts are not at all representatives of the most popular nationalities for escorts.
For example, for the years 2023-2024, Russia has taken the lead - it is Russian women who are most often found among the foreign female escorts, as well as in brothels and brothels. This situation is quite understandable, because over the past few years, the political and economic situation of the country has significantly shaken, resulting in a decline in living standards of ordinary citizens. In order to somehow increase their earnings and provide for their own needs, many girls went abroad in search of a better life - the average profits of prostitutes significantly exceed the size of ordinary salaries in Russia.
The second position is occupied by French women - their homeland cannot boast of active development of the erotic business, so girls prefer to work abroad. This does not mean that there is no prostitution in France, just that couples come to the country of love more often, which means that local sex services are less in demand. At the same time, in the intimate salons of neighboring countries to have a sophisticated Frenchwoman in the staff is fashionable and prestigious, so the representatives of this nationality are gladly taken to work in brothels around the world.
Closing the top three is Ukraine - in addition to the fact that the country is known for its own inexpensive and high-quality escorts, young Ukrainian putanas often travel to other countries for intimate work. Beauties with characteristic Slavic appearance are in demand in almost all brothels of the world, but they are invited to Arab and Asian regions, where blue eyes and light skin are considered a highlight. In addition, prostitutes in
Kiev, Lvov and other cities are often looking for clients on the Internet, using specialized sites and applications for remote renting.
Working names favored by prostitutes of all countries
As practice shows, rarely do call girls use their own names for contacts with clients - more often putanas prefer to be called by fictitious pseudonyms in order not to mix personal life and working life. This technique has a deep psychological background, but prostitutes themselves play it in different ways: some hide their real personality behind a fictitious name, while others use it for advertising. If we consider the first situation, such girls choose popular common pseudonyms, with which it is easy to get lost in the vast global sex industry. For example, in 2023-2024, names such as Linda, Jessica and Alice were in high demand - simple options that are easy to get into the commercial sex market and easy to get out of.
Among those who like to stand out against the background of competitors were especially noted by individuals with the names Doriz, Mary Gold, Camille - such pseudonyms, although not very rare, still help to be remembered by clients from the first meeting. Well, elite escorts, for whom the chosen one is like a kind of brand in the world of fashion, prefer more refined solutions, like Charlotte, Diana or Gloria.
On the hotel position stand representatives of the Latin American region - just look at the site with prostitutes in Mexico City or Guadalajara, and you will see dozens of Marias, Ann or Sar. Girls of this region give preference to traditional names with a long history and biblical origin. At the same time, it is difficult to call the local puttans particularly religious, because along with classical beliefs, local pagan deities flourish here. However, the usual Latin variants like Blanca, Gabriella or Lucia are no less in demand for intimate work.